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Jesus and the Front Page

Text: Luke 13:1-9 When Jesus began his ministry he proclaimed that he had come to seek out the lost and make the blind see and the lame walk and set the captives free. And then he went around doing all of those things to make sure people understood that he is not some novelty that will be the talk of the town one week and forgotten the next. His actions were meant to show what God’s kingdom is like here on earth. He wanted those who heard him and witnessed his work to turn away from running after what is not real and true and run instead toward the abundant life that God wants for them - what God wants for all of us.  We call that salvation, and God offers it freely and without our having done anything to deserve it - we call that grace - but the gift of salvation has to be accepted, and acceptance doesn’t just mean loving Jesus in your heart. It doesn’t even mean trying not to sin. It means being transformed, realigning your life away from shallow vanities and toward the values ...

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