
Showing posts from February, 2011

Stormy Weather

Morning Prayer: John Cassian

Do Not Worry about What You Will Eat, or Wear, or How You Will Live ....

Morning Collect for the Eighth Sunday after the Epiphany

Collect for Saturday Evening

Lenten Roses

Friday Afternoon Fountain Break

It Takes All Kinds

Morning Prayer for Those in Trouble or Bereavement

A Big Pile of Rocks

Morning Prayer about Loving our Enemies


Morning Prayer in times of Conflict


Morning Prayer for New Zealand

Slow and Steady

Even More Cuteness

Collect for the Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany

Cuteness Everywhere

Morning Collect for Social Service

Friday Afternoon Fountain Break

All Fall Down

Morning Collect for Friday


Morning Prayer

Yellow boat on emerald water

Bishop Charles Todd Quintard

Prayer for the Unemployed


Morning Collect


Morning Collect

Elizabeth's Sermon

Collect for the Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany


Collect for Saturday: Charles Freer Andrews

Friday Afternoon Fountain Break - Let Justice Roll Down Like the Waters