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Text: Mark 6:1-13 It must have been terrifying to be one of Jesus’ original disciples.  In the short time they’d been with him,  he had been going   at a dizzying pace,   healing the sick and performing miracles   and even raising the dead,  while zigzagging back and forth   across the borders of Jewish and Gentile territories   on both sides of the Sea of Galilee.   The disciples had  often showed a serious lack of comprehension   of Jesus’s words and his actions.   And Jesus often faced rejection,  first by his family   and then by the religious community,   and today, by the people of his hometown.   He had been all powerful, stilling storms   and bringing new life to the desperate,   and yet today in the face of rejection   he is inexplicably unable to bring forth much of that power. And what does Jesus do?  He shakes off the dust.   And he calls his disciples together   and sends them out into the world to be his witnesses,   to heal and forgive   and bring wholeness to all who

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Why does the Bible say "fear not" so much?
