
Showing posts from December, 2011

The Seventh Day of Christmas: Riu Riu Chiu

Visual Morning Prayer for the Seventh Day of Christmas: Nativity

Visual Morning Prayer for the Fifth Day of Christmas: Nativity

Music Extra for the Holy Innocents

Visual Morning Prayer for the Fourth Day of Christmas: Nativity

The Third Day of Christmas: Balulalow

Visual Morning Prayer for the Third Day of Christmas: Nativity

Merry Christmas!

Friday Afternoon Advent Angel Break

Morning Psalm for Friday in the Fourth Week of Advent

Music for Advent: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Wordless Wednesday: Annunciation

Morning Psalm for Wednesday in the Fourth Week of Advent

Almost! But not yet.

Morning Psalm for Tuesday in the Fourth Week of Advent

Bunny and Kitty Tales

Music for Advent: The Angel Gabriel (another version)

Music for Advent: The Angel Gabriel

Collect for the Fourth Sunday of Advent

Saturday Morning Advent Movie: Good News of Great Joy!

Friday Afternoon Advent Angel Break: RIP Joseph

Morning Psalm for Friday in the Third Week of Advent

What are we expecting?

Music for Advent: Creator of the Stars of Night

Wordless Wednesday: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord

Psalm for Wednesday in the Third Week of Advent

Advent Photo of the Day: Gabriel

Morning Psalm for Tuesday in the Third Week of Advent

Advent Photo of the Day: My Soul Magnifies the Lord

Music for Advent: Savior of the Nations, Come

Children in Church

Collect for the Third Sunday of Advent

Saturday Morning Music Video: Seven Rejoices

Friday Afternoon Advent Angel Break

Morning Psalm for Friday in the Second Week of Advent

More thoughts about prophets

Music for Advent: Comfort, Comfort Ye My People

Wordless Wednesday: Your messengers the prophets

Morning Psalm for Wednesday in the Second Week of Advent

The Feast of St Nicholas - not just for the kids, please

Morning Psalm for Tuesday in the Second Week of Advent

More thoughts about fire

Music for Advent: Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

The beginning of the Good News...