
Showing posts from December, 2010

Between Visits

Christmas Joys

Collect for the Fifth Day of Christmas

Save to Share: an effort to alleviate hunger in the community

A Christmas Sermon

Another Wonderful Christmas Story: from New York

What I Like About Christmas: Hope

Tuesday Afternoon Extra: Wexford Carol by Alison Krauss and Yo Yo Ma

All is quiet.... somewhere

They Sounded Like Angels....

The Christmas Pageant

And so it begins...

Morning Collect for Saturday in the Third Week of Advent

Friday afternoon fountain break

Through a Dark Wood

Interesting Facts to Learn While Waiting for Jesus to Come

St John of the Cross

Morning Collect for Tuesday in the Third Week of Advent

Christmas Shopping

Sunday at Church

Talk about the passion

Morning Prayer for Saturday in the Second Week of Advent

Friday afternoon fountain break

Friday Advent Music/Sufjan Stevens

Friday in the Second Week of Advent: Confession


Angels in Oslo

Morning Collect for Wednesday in the Second Week of Advent

Be Thou My (Institutional) Vision

Morning Collect for Tuesday in the Second Week of Advent
