On the Twelfth Day of Christmas: Magi Awake!

I learned about this picture today, which I found on Facebook, so it's not one of mine. A playful angel awakens the Magi to send them on their way. One finger pokes one Magi awake (eyes are popped open!) while the other finger points the way.

This image is carved on a capital above the choir in the Autun Cathedral of St. Lazare in Burgundy (France), a Romanesque structure built and rebuilt over hundreds of years. Most of the wonderful carvings are by Gislebertus. You can read more about the cathedral here.

Although this is the last day of Christmas (meaning tonight is Twelfth Night and tomorrow is Epiphany), my Christmas tree and decorations will remain in place for a few more weeks. We still have one more Christmas to celebrate with our son and daughter-in-law in January.

May we all retain the Christmas spirit for as long as we can!
