Friday Music: Think Too Hard

The dB's were a Winston-Salem NC band (I lived there off and on during the 70's and early 80's) that had a lot of talent but didn't make it very big with the general public. The two principals were Peter Holsapple and Chris Stamey, who did make it pretty big with other musicians. This song is representative of the 1980's "jangle pop" music that was probably most identified with R.E.M. (with whom Holsapple played for a few years) We danced to those songs in the clubs by basically jumping up and down. 

This song was covered by Syd Straw (of the Golden Palominos) and it got a little more play, but the videos of her singing it on Letterman focus way too much on her swinging her hair around. So, although I usually prefer not to post music videos that don't feature anything but a still picture to go with the audio, here for your Friday morning is the recording of the dB's (decibels) playing Think Too Hard, something I am often guilty of doing. Enjoy.


You think too hard, you blow yourself in two

It can happen to you
It can happen to you
You wish too much, your wishes will come true
I wouldn't wish that on you

In the short haul, love conquers all

In the long run, you gotta have your fun
In between the two, there stand me and you

You want it all, you want it all right now

And you'll get it somehow
'Cause you swear you know how
You wish too much, your wishes will come true
I wouldn't wish that on you

When the day comes, you'll look around

On the good times shattered on the ground
Having no clue, then what do you do

You think about the past

And how it didn't last
You think of what's to come
And the battles to be won
You're thinking all the time
And you'll probably lose your mind
In the same way
In the same way
In the same way
As you did before

You think too hard...

You'll blow yourself in two...
You wish too much...
And your wishes will come true

You think too hard, you blow yourself in two

It can happen to you
It can happen to you
You wish too much, your wishes will come true
I wouldn't wish that on you
I wouldn't wish that on you

You think too hard

You think too hard
Too hard
Too hard


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