
Showing posts from 2014

The Fourth Day of Christmas: Gaudete

Music for the Second Day of Christmas: Now May We Singen

Christmas Eve!

Music for Advent: Wondrous Love

Annuciation (a poem)


Psalm for Thursday in the Third Week of Advent

Nearly Wordless Wednesday: I Spy With My Little Eye

Psalm for Tuesday in the Third Week of Advent

Psalm for Monday in the Third Week of Advent

Collect for the Third Sunday of Advent


Morning Light

Nearly Wordless Wednesday: Reflection

Music for Advent: Wait for the Lord

Slowing Down

Collect for the Second Sunday of Advent


Collect for our Nation

Nearly Wordless Wednesday: Music

Photo and Prayer for the Night Office

Goodnight Moon

The Midnight Cry

Collect for the First Sunday of Advent

Family Caturday!

Living Thanks

Nearly Wordless Wednesday: Dragonfly