
Showing posts from 2015

The Story of This Nativity Scene

O Magnum Mysterium

Merry Christmas!

Prayer for Christmas Eve

The Story of a Baby

Psalm for Monday in the Fourth Week of Advent

Caturday! Around the Tree

Music for Advent: Savior of the Nations, Come

Caturday! (Advent Edition)

Monday Poem

Making the Road Straight

Caturday! Hiding!

Friday Music: Veni Emmanuel

Thursday's Bird is Cold of Beak

Nearly Wordless Wednesday: Wet Stuff

Tuesday Evening Prayer


Stand Up and Raise Your Heads, for Your Redemption is Drawing Near

Caturday Afternoon

Friday Music: Fire and Rain, Updated! Now with calzone!

Thursday's Bird says: Happy Thanksgiving!

Nearly Wordless Wednesday: Pied-Billed Grebe

Time to Play!

Monday Poem: Kindness