Lent Madness is Coming!

Yay! Lent begins in just two weeks and a day! I know you're excited! Well, maybe you aren't.

But, as those of you who've known me for a bit as aware, with the season of Lent, during which we give up the alleluias and perhaps other habits, also comes the season of Lent Madness, that online devotional tool that we can take up to help us learn more about the saints of the church.

If you're unfamiliar with Lent Madness, here and here are links to previous posts about how it works.

Now that you know all about it, here's what you need to know today. First of all, do you have your Saintly Scorecard? New this year, this little publication from Forward Movement includes each of the first round saintly bios so that you can make informed choices as you fill out your bracket. What a great idea! Download one to your Kindle by clicking here.

Second, get a bracket! You can download one from our website, www.LentMadness.org. http://www.lentmadness.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/LM2014bracket.pdf   Once you've got your bracket and read up on your saints, you'll be ready to fill yours out and predict who will win the Golden Halo this year. This is fun to do in community, so create a pool at your office or with your family (and if you're planning to actually bet on your brackets, decide now how you will charitably disburse your winnings).

Third, start learning more about the Celebrity Bloggers who will be advocating for the saints during each matchup. This year we have both returning and new bloggers! So you'll want to know a little more about them. Keep up with the daily posts at LentMadness.org during Celebrity Blogger Week which will last longer than a week, but who's counting? Today's post is on the veteran and practically unbeatable Heidi Schott.

As always, here's my personal pitch. Lent Madness is a fun way to learn about holy and inspirational people and to create community across the country. Lent Madness helps us prepare with joy for the coming of the Paschal feast. (I didn't make that up: Here's the second proper preface for Lent from our Book of Common Prayer for use during Holy Eucharist: You bid your faithful people cleanse their hearts, and prepare with joy for the Paschal feast; that, fervent in prayer and in  works of mercy, and renewed by your Word and Sacraments,  they may come to the fullness of grace which you have  prepared for those who love you.) 

So mark your calendars for "Ash Thursday," March 6, get your preparations done, and see you online every day during Lent 2014.
