Someone Else's Sermon for Mary Magdalene

While doing some internet reading of sermons, essays, and in the wake of the Colorado shooting, I happened upon Lutheran pastor Nadia Bolz Weber's sermon from yesterday on the Feast of Mary Magdalene.  If you don't know Bolz Weber, you should.  She is the missioner who started the House for All Sinners and Saints in Denver, Colorado, and a fresh and relevant voice.

She makes several points in her sermon, which is both in praise of St Mary Magdalene and also a lament for the violence done in Aurora, including holding up for us the spiritual practice of just showing up (something Mary Magdalene was really good at!) and singing in the face of evil and death.

Anyway, rather than writing about Mary Magdalene and/or Colorado today, I simply commend Nadia's sermon to you.

Read it at her blog "Sarcastic Lutheran" here.


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