Easter Day Reflection
It is a glorious spring day for Easter Day this year in Atlanta. The second wave of spring blooming trees and bulbs and shrubs is in full swing and, as they alway do, the dogwoods suddenly (as the legend says, miraculously) burst into flower nearly overnight. I was privileged to attend two Easter Vigil services and one Easter Day service in three different worship spaces, all different in many ways even as they followed the appointed prayer book liturgies. I saw Easter bonnets and other finery of all sizes and descriptions; saw four adults baptized with good doses of water, and sprinkled the congregation with holy water myself; led the renewal of the baptismal covenant and renewed my own baptismal covenant; heard a brass group, two organs, a piano, a trumpet soloist, vocal soloists, choirs of varying sizes; smelled the incense; sang several different kinds of alleluias; rang some bells; gazed on gorgeous flower arrangements; placed the Body of Christ, the Bread of Heaven on all sorts of outstretched hands; and heard the Gospel proclaimed with joy and conviction. It was wonderful to see how many ways and in how many contexts we can proclaim the good news that God has acted in the world for us and for our salvation. And then I had some sweet tea with my lunch. It was all a feast in every sense of the word.
I want to say thank you to all those who have walked through Lent with me via this blog. This has been a life-giving activity for me. I have heard from some of you and appreciate your letting me know you have read and appreciated what I have shared here. Some of you have kept up with my regular postings; others drop in now and again. Now that Lent is over, I will continue writing and posting, but with less frequency. Most days I will post a prayer and a reflection, and there will the the occasional bonus day when I post more and the occasional day when I post less. I hope you will continue to check in and let me know your thoughts about what you read here.
Meanwhile, Easter is a season lasting fifty days. Continue in your prayers and study, celebrate daily, and be glad!