Stepping Out
For another, I generally think of myself as a risk-taker and yet I have found many times in my adult life (from my mid-thirties on, which coincides with my becoming a parent) when I have backed away from that aspect of my personality. (I am not talking about jumping out of airplanes and such - I don't even do roller coasters because they make me nauseous. Rather, I am the kind of risk-taker that can move to a new place, take on a new thing, let go, dream and imagine and put into action, rearrange, a lover of the life adventure.) Maybe I'm just distractable and love a "new shiny." But that has been me, for good or for ill, for most of my life.
In these last years, though, I have let, and with good reasons (family mostly), preservation and safety occupy a higher place than risk-taking. Not that having a family wasn't taking a huge risk, because it was. And it took me a long time to actually be able to do that. And so I don't take it lightly.
It was also a huge risk to allow myself to listen and act upon what I felt God was calling me to. Becoming a priest was certainly not without risk.
But still, I often have felt that I hold myself back, I hold my imagination back, instead of opening myself and my imagination to the possibility of risk. I find myself feeling that I am sometimes just plodding - and that I actually do this to myself. I think I should be plodding and responsible.
I do find that adversity or closed doors increase my risk-taking potential. This is probably true for most people. At any rate, now, as my children mature and I mature as well, I am thinking it's time to get back into risk-taking mode as a way of being and not just something I pull out occasionally when the time seems right.
Of course risk taking at 55 is not the same as risk taking at 20. Let's all thank God for that. I hope I am wiser. But I also hope I can shake free of whatever it is I feel is binding me at this time and know that God is with me as I think about stepping out and where that might lead.