Morning Psalm

Among the gods there is none like you, O Lord, nor anything like your works.

All the nations you have made will come and worship you, O Lord, and glorify your name.

For you are great; you do wondrous things; and you alone are God.

(Psalm 86:8-10)



Nancy Wallace saidā€¦
As always - what a beautiful photo and so apt for this psalm quote. I don't comment every time I see your posts, but your photos always lift my spirit. Thank you.
Penelopepiscopal saidā€¦
Thanks, Nancy! I'm glad you enjoy them!
Ray Barnes saidā€¦
I echo Nancy's words. Lovely close-up of bean flowers?
As always in nature, not necessarily colours we would think of putting together, but in this context beautiful.
Penelopepiscopal saidā€¦
Yes, Ray. Sweet peas in the Colonial garden across the street from the church. I liked how the sun lit the leaves from behind.
Lerewayah saidā€¦
Second that, Penny! Gorgeous photo.

--Gretchen Chateau