Saturday Morning Movie: The Joy of Books

If I weren't a priest, I'd be the owner of a little book shop just like this one.

Our church puts on a huge used book sale over the Labor Day Holiday Weekend every year. This year, I'm in charge of the sale, and the proceeds will go to my youth program's fund for mission and pilgrimage.  I've been working on this all week, which is why I haven't had a chance to write anything for the blog lately.

We have thousands of books, and we sell them for $2/hardback and $1/softcover (with a few specially priced items, including this year a book of poems by Richard Nixon!). It has been fun to see what all we have, including some 150-year-old books with pressed flowers in them and notes, etc. We hope to make at least $10,000.

Even thought the world has gone after e-readers and e-books (me included), there's still nothing like getting a $1 or $2 real book! So we're handing people a bag when the come in and encouraging them to just fill the thing up!  It's a great joy to see people so excited about books!

I hope this makes you want to go sit down and read a little!  Happy reading!


Ray Barnes said…
Fabulous video Penny. I would like a built-in poltergeist like that one.
I would quite like to see all my books rearranged every day.
I don't buy fiction (get that from the local library), but have a very large collection of non-fiction.
There is, as you say, nothing quite like a real book, despite Kindle etc.
John used to buy me a book every Christmas, never discussed it first, but always knew exactly what would get me really on fire to turn to the first page.
I really don't believe (won't believe) the many people who say 'real books' are a thing of the past.
Perish the thought!
Kathy said…
Oh, I loved that, Penny, as you might expect from a former librarian. There is indeed nothing like a real book, which is why I am still steadfastly resisting buying a Kindle. I use our library heavily when in the UK and here in France have a good collection of books to keep me happy over the summer. Real books rule, OK!
Bill Bynum said…
Imaginative video! I've been trying for some 40 years to adapt to reading from a display screen of an electronic device. It was essential for me at the time to do so and even now (like right now), reading from a display screen is unavoidable. Even so, I still prefer reading from a printed page -- a habit that I don't want to change. Maybe Johannes Gutenberg should be added to the Church Calendar!
Ray, especially cheap books are not a thing of the past! Almost no one can resist a $2 or $1 book, even if they do mostly read on their Kindles etc. I read on my iPad but also read 'real books' and many other people I know do, too.

What a gift John had for knowing just what book to get you for Christmas!
Perpetua, a good public library is a wonderful thing! We have had several former librarians helping out with the book sale. It's fun to be around so many people who love books.
Bill, I like reading everything and don't mind electronic reading but don't restrict myself to it, either. Certainly Gutenberg's invention had a great deal to do with the Reformation(s) happening when they did all across Europe.

BTW, Mary Ann's help with the book sale has been invaluable. Everyone loves her signs with the letters on them in the fiction section. I'm sure we have sold more books because of that!