A Prayer for the First Day of School
Holy God, hear our prayers for all who teach and all who learn: give them all curiosity and patience, perseverance and open-mindedness, playfulness and purposefulness as they engage with one another in the pursuit of knowledge. Give to teachers gentle wisdom and to students discerning minds and to administrators clarity of purpose. Bless those who cook and clean and serve and drive and coach and answer phones in the pursuit of our children's education; bless parents who volunteer and help with homework and set boundaries and drive carpool and pay tuition. Give those children who do not have resources champions who will stand up for them. Help us all to remember that the education of our children enriches our whole community and makes the world a better place. We ask these things for the sake of your Son, our savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.