The Ninth Day of Christmas: Breton Carol

This is the Breton Carol, which is played but not sung by Canadian Loreena McKinnett.


Ray Barnes said…
Played not sung unless I missed something Penny. Interesting tune.
Thanks, Ray.. You're right of course. Played not sung. I'm on the road and can't fix the text.
Suem said…
Beautiful, but I also waited for the singing to start:)
Ok, I fixed the post. That's what I get for posting late at night...
Bill Bynum said…
A lovely arrangement of a beautiful carol. Loreena McKennitt is a talented musician and arranger. In addition to the arrangement, I think that she plays the harp (and accordion, too, I think) in the recording.
Bill, I didn't know her work until last year, but have now acquainted myself better with Loreena McKennitt. Glad you enjoyed it.