My Newest Book Project
This is the cover of a new book of homilies and reflections for Year C, the liturgical year that begins on December 2, 2012. The book is the brainchild of Roman Catholic Deacon James J. Knipper of Princeton, New Jersey, and features homilies (also known as sermons) by a variety of Christian folk, both lay and ordained, who represent several different denominations. There's a sermon for each Sunday in the upcoming year plus several notable feast days.
Proceeds from the book benefit several homeless ministries in the New Jersey area. (Click here to read about the four charities that will share the proceeds of every book sold.)
I am very pleased to be among those who contributed to this effort. As you can see, it's quite attractive, and you haven't even seen the artwork inside yet! I hope you'll consider buying a book, both for your own use (there are some really terrific and thought-provoking sermons) and to support the ministries to the hungry and homeless in New Jersey.
Here's the link to the publishing house where you can buy a copy for yourself, one for your church library, and a few more to give to your friends.