Pilgrimage to Ireland
Pilgrimage is intentional, holy travel - not to be confused with a mission trip or vacation or tour. The pilgrims will visit several holy sites, and each day will include time for discussion, reflection (including journaling) and student-led night prayer (compline). This group will visit places associated with St Kevin, St Kieran, and St Brigid as well as see other holy and historical sites in Ireland. They will talk about community, about faith, and about their own seeking and finding God in their lives and all that such seeking and finding entails, including doubts, questions, new insights, and learning to trust God and one another.
They'll be posting on their blog each day. If you'd like to follow along with me to see what a group of 16-year-old Episcopalians do when on pilgrimage, you can find it on my blog roll to the right - J2A Pilgrimage 2011: Ireland (or just click here.) I'm sure they would appreciate your interest and also your prayers.