Leaving the Nest - a mostly visual meditation

Today my son and his girlfriend headed out to Iowa for their junior year of college at a school new to both of them.

My son has had his ups and downs about college, more downs than ups, but it has been clear to all of us that it is now time for him to leave the nest for real (as they say).  I've had mixed feelings all day - happy that he decided at the last minute to print out the directions/map just in case the GPS got a glitch and that he has checked in via text message at every stop; excited about the new classes and new experiences he will have; worried about how the semester is going to go, given his history; sad that I won't be seeing him much for a while (maybe a long, long while).

So I leave you with this photo to contemplate along with the words of Julian of Norwich - all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well - as I ask your prayers for my son as he embarks on this next chapter of his life.


Unknown said…
It's nice that there are two of them.
It does get easier, I think, but it takes a good while. My "baby" turned 29 today and we live 2,ooo miles apart. Phones, email and FB all help.
All the best to the new students!
Thanks, Friend. I agree, going as a pair is a positive. The hardest part has been watching a wonderful bright kid go from being on top of the world into a spectacular nose dive/flameout crash - twice. This is the fourth college, third time leaving home. We're all ready to see him fly the way we know he can and hope that this time he can and will both take off and stay aloft.
Ray Barnes said…
Blessings, prayers and every possible good wish Penny.
I'll light a candle for him this morning at St. M's.
Kevin said…
Traveling mercies to your son and his girlfriend as they wind their way to Iowa. One thing that they can look forward to is that the majority of Iowans are very decent people who will help out if they can. If they are going to the school that I think they might be (most colleges have started classes, there is one exception that I'm aware of) there is a good Episcopal Church in town as well as the college overall being a good caring place to be.

My oldest went off to college a few weeks ago and it has been an adjustment. She went to a large state university, but I wasn't too worried because it was the university where both my wife and I received our bachelor's degrees.

I pray that your son finds his way forward. I personally know what it is like to crash and burn in college.

Grace and Peace.
Ray, thanks - it's good to know that my community here is sending up those prayers.

Kevin, welcome, and thanks for your kind words and your prayers. I know so many folks who did the crash and burn thing, and in my own way, I did, too. It is an adjustment when the kids leave, no matter how ready we all are for it; I hope your daughter finds success and happiness.
Freda said…
You image of the fledgling is superb. I had four sons to see away on various adventures, they are always close to my heart. Julian of Norwich's words are just perfect. Every Blessing
Perpetua said…
Prayers indeed, Penny. It's 22 years since our youngest flew the nest, but I still remember how it felt. Both ours had bad times as well as good at college, but came through them and have since flourished, which is what I pray for your son and his girlfriend.
Thanks, Freda. I was pleased with the shot of the bird, which was perched just in front of a tiny wedding chapel at the beach, which looks so much bigger as background for the tiny bird.

Perpetua, it's amazing how those feelings are easy to call up, even after al this time. We are still learning how to be parents to adult children (our daughter is 31) - not buddies but not authority figures, either. Sometimes it's hard not to step in when we need to let them handle their own affairs, but we are trying to be supportive without directing.