Signs of Hope
But the birds are busy out there. A mockingbird sat on my chimney top this morning during a downpour and just sang its heart out for a good fifteen minutes. Perhaps it was sheltered under the chimney cap - the song came down the chimney and into my dark living room with startling clarity. Now I am upstairs sitting by the window and male yellow bellied sapsucker (that sounds like an insult we used to use in the sixth grade) is working over the pecan tree and a bright red cardinal perches on the neighbor's soaked brown fence, lending bright spots to the dull day. A pair of black capped chickadees are chasing one another around the tree, and a tufted titmouse rummages through a pile of leaves below. And as I ventured outside to open the birdfeeder back up from where the squirrels had closed it, I smelled the delicious, spicy fragrance of that otherwise unremarkable (indeed, rather plain) wintersweet shrub (chimonanthus praecox) that has nearly died for three years in a row but for some reason took off this year. I thought the freeze killed the yellow blooms this winter, and they do look ragged, but oh, the perfume that comes from even the stunted buds. One wishes for a scratch and sniff feature to Blogger.
This is what hope looks like. Bright spots and lovely sounds, perfume on the damp winter air, beauty going about its beautiful work on a drippy, dreary day.